Jag har blivit ombedd att förnya mitt medlemskap i NG flera gånger. Till sist har direktören Declan Moore bett att få höra från mig. Jag har gått honom till mötes sålunda:
Dear mr Moore,
you finished your letter hoping to hear from me. Well, here I am:
Your records show I have been a member since 1967, which adds up to 47 years. However, I was a member earlier for several years, but the continuity was broken when I moved from one city to another. So I have been a member for more than half a century. I visited your offices in 1971.
Now I am not renewing my membership for very serious reasons. The society is not living up to its ideals to provide facts about our Globe as a base for private and collective decisions concerning the wellbeing of Nature. It has been degraded with cheap sensationalism, e.g. with the September issue last year showing the seas rising halfway up the statue of Liberty and frequent references to the catastrophic consequences of carbon dioxide emissions, for which there are no measurable indications.
In fact the seas cannot rise more than 1 or 2 mm per year. This is proven by the rate at which they rose, when the enormous ice sheets of the last ice age melted as fast as they could 8.000 years ago. Then the seas rose 10 mm per year. Todays ice sheets and glaciers are so much smaller that their melting cannot raise sea levels with more than 1 mm per year. That is a physical limit. Thermal expansion of sea water may add another millimeter to a total of 2 mm per year. Which will be reversed, when the Gobal Temperature starts sinking.
Note: These are facts.
You have been disseminating the alarms from the IPCC with no or little regard to the serious criticism they have generated. It is an “intergovernmental” body, which means it is ruled by politicians. The wording of the SPM of AR5 WG1 was negotiated between representatives of 110 governments for one whole week behind closed doors. That is literally the antithesis of science, which relies on free and open debate. IPCC:s claim, that it is a “scientific body”, is false and used to disguise its real objectives.
I am the secretary of a Network with more than two dozen world class scientists, who in turn maintain close personal contacts with the leading climate scientists in the world. This means I am backed by more knowledge and common horse sense than the IPCC is mustering.
This year’s only international conference for climate scientists, that was open as true science requires, was held in Las Vegas July 7th to 9th, the ICCC-9. There the Russian space scientist Abdussamatov was predicting several cooler decades for the rest of this century. He based this on studies of 800.000 years of sun behavior and 7.500 years of climate changes. He had seen no influence whatsoever of carbon dioxide. You find his talk with illustrations here:
You may start watching 4:30 mins in.
At the ICCC-9 several other scientists also concluded that no effects of carbon dioxide can be seen. You may add that in late 2012 general secretary Ban Ki-Moon received an open letter stating that the effects of carbon dioxide on climate are so small that they could not be observed. This was signed by 125 international scientists of great repute. In spite of 25 years of attempts the IPCC has not been able to provide any evidence that carbon dioxide has a noticeable effect.
In the SPM of AR5 the IPCC claims that the forcing of carbon dioxide is 33 times greater than that of the sun. Add its computer simulated projections, that have been proven more and more faulty by reality for close to 18 years. Still it claims its projections for 25 and 85 years are to be trusted. Any ordinary man in his sound senses should realize this is pure fantasy.
To me this proves that the leadership of the IPCC is deeply incompetent or dishonest.
It should be a major task of the Society to unravel the scam the IPCC has developed into. The economy of the world is subject to upheaval for the sake of an imaginary threat. Tremendous resources are now wasted to mitigate this, rather than used to address real environmental problems. That is one of our greatest environmental problems !
It is a real problem that the Globe will become cooler, not warmer. Try o find out how many kilometers the planting of corn and wheat will have to move south.
Should you be interested, I shall be happy to discuss the future of the Society.
I am looking forward to hear from you,
Sture Åström
Secretary of the Network KLIMATSANS (Climate sense)