The Paris Accord is History.

The cheers when COP 21 was finalized with a signed “accord”

Note: It was just an “agreement”, and not a “treaty”, a binding agreement.

The names of the governing Swedish climate politicans – prime minister Stefan Löfvén, climate minister Isabella Lövin, and Center Party leader Annie Lööf – all begin with Löv, which means leaf.  With all this foliage, the trio evidently can’t see the wood for the trees. They seriously believe that more carbon dioxide from human activity would dangerously warm the Earth’s atmosphere.

They miss that:

  • The Middle Ages, Roman times and the Bronze Age were warmer than now, which was beneficial to humanity with good harvests and high levels of culture.
  • In between, times were colder. The most recent period, the Little Ice Age (approx 1300-1870), was partly several degrees colder than now.
  • This cold caused crop failure, destitution and starvation.
  • In 1697/98 famine killed about 100,000 people in Sweden and 80,000 in Finland.
  • A few degrees of warming since then has been a welcome recovery.
  • Warmer seas emit more carbon dioxide. Their temperature determines the concentration in the air. They compensate for our emissions. So it is the temperature that controls the carbon dioxide, not the other way around.
  • More heat and more carbon dioxide have benefitted plant life and crops.
  • Since 1930, the world’s harvests have seen a more than five-fold increase.
  • According to the World Bank, a quarter of humanity has been lifted out of poverty and starvation in the 25 years before 2015.

The temperature of the atmosphere depends on how much solar heat reaches the earth’s surface and is absorbed by the oceans. Clouds reflect heat into space. More cosmic radiation means more clouds. The radiation has now increased, since the sun’s protective magnetic field has become as weak as it was during the Little Ice Age. This heralds a colder climate.

In Paris, we committed ourselves to limit an approaching warming.

But there will be a cooling, no matter what we humans do.

The Paris Accord is History!

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5 thoughts on “The Paris Accord is History.

  1. Om de antropogena fossila koldioxidutsläppen stannar i atmosfären skulle koldioxidmängden i atmosfären öka med ungefär dubbelt så mycket som den uppmätta på Mauna Loa.

    Vart tar all denna koldioxid vägen som inte återfinns i atmosfären?

    Överföringen till de kalla haven ökar med ökad skillnad mellan atmosfärens och havens partialtryck av koldioxid.

    Överföringen till atmosfären från de varma haven minskar av samma skäl.

    Biologiska tillväxten (koldioxidbaserad) på land ökar.

    Med vänlig hälsning
    Anders Rasmusson

  2. Peter Wulff: Varma hav gasar ut (runt ekvatorn), och kalla löser/absorberar (mot polerna). Värmda hav sedan Lilla Istiden gaser nu ut mer koldioxid.

  3. Som i den svenska versionen påstås haven nu både absorbera och avge koldioxid. Kanske dags bestämma vilket som gäller – eller tona ner slutsatsen?

  4. Gunnar E
    En hel del av uppvärmningen sker genom mänsklig påverkan-av temperaturdata!
    Så blir det kallare så får de jobba mer med kalibreringar och manipuleringar.

  5. “But there will be a cooling, no matter what we humans do.”
    Sannolikt kommer CO2 att fortsätta stiga länge än. Vad säger alarmisterna då? Spännande.

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